Either Sh*t or get off the Pot

Don’t you just love those people who complain for the sake of complaining? They complain it’s too cold and then complain that it’s too hot. They complain about their jobs, their finances, their weight, the government and so on and so on. But never do anything about their problems. When offered help they list a million and one reasons why it will never work. As a result, I’ve come to this light bulb conclusion; that these people are chronic complainers. Chronic complainers are not looking for real solutions to their problems; they just want to complain. NEWS FLASH, we’re tired of hearing you complain. If you’re not going to do anything about the problem then stop complaining. All you’re doing is increasing your blood pressure and your stress levels. And the people around you are trying their best not to harm you. Moaning and groaning about things that are within your control are fixable and the things that are outside of your control, well, there’s not a whole lot you can do about that anyway. So, stop wasting your time and energy. Either sh*t or get off the pot, your choice, but do us all a favor and stop complaining.
