I'm the new Ant in town!!!

Ants. You probably never really given them too much thought. Most of us just consider them pests. After my efforts to eradicate them failed, I decided to do a little research on them and discovered that they are pretty remarkable creatures. Instead of learning to coexist with them, my first mind was to kill them. Not realizing that I could learn a lot from them despite their tiny stature. I tried sweeping them away, nope didn’t work. I tried sprinkling ant killer on them; they laughed in my face and had their homes back up before night fall.  There was even a torrential flood the next day, and to my surprise, they were back in business. They take a lickin and keep on tickin, whereas, I probably would’ve said screw it, I’m out. They’re fast learners and adapt to any situation at a moment’s notice. If an obstacle is in their way, they solve it. They don’t panic nor wait for a government handout to bail them out. Instead they work together and rely on each other making them proficient at solving complex problems. That’s how I need to be, so I’ve decided to become more like the ant.

We should all learn to coexist with one another instead of kill each other.  There’s so much we can learn!
