
So, I’ve been pondering the thought of kids. I’ve always said, “Kids are not for me.” Well… it’s interesting to hear people’s thoughts about this when you tell them that you don’t want to have kids. I’ve heard so many things. I’ve heard that it’s my duty to have kids because that’s what it says in the Bible. I’ve heard that I’m selfish for not wanting to have children. I’ve heard that I need to have at least one. And, I just recently heard that I need to have children because its fun and you’ll get to say things just because.

Well… all that sounds so fun, but I just don’t know. Those just aren’t good enough reasons for me. I’ve always heard about the biological clock thing but I guess mine is just broken. I haven’t felt those pressures to hurry up and squat out a baby. I’ve thought about what I would be like to have children, and then I see what others around me go through with their children and it’s enough to change my mind. My sister keeps trying to reassure me that things will be different if I have my own child. Heck, I don’t know. I think back to when I was a child and I know if I have one, my child will be a straight hell-yon.  

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful thing to have children if that’s what you choose, but I don’t think everyone is cut out to be parents. Not everyone has the emotional, mental, and the physical abilities to raise well rounded children. And I think that more people should acknowledge this and just say no, especially if the responsibility is going to be placed on somebody else. They require a lot of our time, our love, and our patience. There’s no manual on how to raise them, it’s the trial and error approach. I guess I don’t want the responsibility. Maybe I’m not tough enough, maybe I am selfish, but having children just to have them because it’s my patriotic duty, umm…tell me something better than that.
