Getting Ready to Get Ready…

I call myself a planner, but really I’m nothing more than an organized procrastinator. I have notebooks with beautifully orchestrated plans that lie dormant in a computer bag or closet somewhere. I must give myself some credit; I stick to the plan for a while but something usually happens along the way. For example, I either get really close to reaching my goal or it takes entirely too long to see results and I quit. I like planning things, but when it’s time for the rubber to meet the pavement, well the two just don’t connect. I have goals because there is a certain level of “success” that I want to obtain. I start to fall off of the bandwagon once it starts to feel like work. Discipline and Commitment go out the window and I spring for the opportunity to live. I’m selfish in a way and expect things to be given to me. I feel as if the world owes me sometimes and I want my silver platter and golden spoon. I’m me, and things are just suppose to work, right? Ha, I should be a comedian. I allow fear, anxiety, and poor time management skills slow me down. I don’t know if I’m more afraid of success, the unknown, or failure. I’m no expert or anything on planning, given my track record but I think these two concepts can help overcome our need to put everything on the back burner.

1.      Make better choices. (Easier said than done sometimes, I know.) It’s doing the things that we don’t want to do and doing them now. The lives that we are living today are from the choices we made in the past. Don’t like what you see, make better choices today, change your future tomorrow. So cliché, but true. We’re not saving ourselves time when we put things off; we’re really wasting time.

2.      Be honest with yourself and know your limits. Simply put, know your strengths, your weaknesses, your beliefs, know what makes you tick, what brings out your creativity, and grow from there. It’s knowing, loving, and appreciating who you are.
