You wanna live where?

As a child, I always longed the day when me and my dad could build a tree house together.  A place that I could call mine, a place where no parents are allowed. I would sleep there, man I would live there. To sleep outside among the trees would be awesome. Well like most things, that dream faded away as I got older. My dream became the so called “American Dream” and I forgot that I could do whatever I wanted and live however I wanted. Who says you have to live in a house in order to call it a home? I want to live unconventionally because I’m a little off. I laugh at myself because the elevator sometimes stops midway to the top.
Daring to be different takes guts, and living life skipping and singing to your own beat is funky! My family sometimes doesn’t get me and I know they wonder if they brought the right baby home, love you mom and dad, xoxo.  I’ve decided that I want to try living in my car for a while to see what it’s like. I think it would give me a new perspective on life and make me humble. I also would like to live in a storage shed. I have some funky ideas that I could do to make it look killer on the inside. Just because you live in something the size of a shoebox doesn’t mean it can’t be wickedly awesome.
We don’t have to be down on our luck to choose to live in a car or in a storage shed. I’m tired of having a lot of stuff that I really don’t need. I realized that I do need some space but I don’t need 2000 sqft. I want to be able to pick up at a moment’s notice and go. I don’t want to fret over what to do about my stuff. Choosing how I want to spend my day is my goal. I don’t want to need to have to work because punching a time clock is definitely not on my list of favs. I like being my own boss and I’ve discovered that coloring outside of the lines can be fun! I don’t want to be 70 ½ before I let my hair down.
I don’t want to have to save for two years to be able to go on cruise to the Bahamas. You know what I’m talking about, you live in a house that you really can’t afford just to prove to yourself, your friends, and your family that you’re the shiz. Meanwhile you’re pinching pennies and living pay check to pay check. I get it, I suffer from the same illness, but I want cured. There’s got to be more to life than working to pay for a nice place that stores all my must have things. Most of that stuff I don’t use and forgot I had. Liberation is calling my name, I coming.  
I don’t need all of that stuff, I just think I do. In the end, it’s not coming with me anyway, so why hold on to it now? I’ve become so emotionally entangled in my stuff that it feels like a break up if I attempt to give anything away, which makes it ten times harder to part with. Goodness, I sound like a budding hoarder, lol. Don’t get me wrong, the “American Dream” is great if that’s what you choose; by all means be all that you can be. I’m just simply saying that it can’t hurt to try something out of the ordinary because you want to and not because you have to.
