Are you a chicken?

Have you ever wanted to try something new but were too afraid to take the plunge? This is totally me. I psyche myself out by saying to myself that I don’t like something, before I even try it. By doing this, I stay stuck in my same routine. Where’s the fun in that? How can you honestly say you don’t like something without trying it first? I’ve grown accustomed to the laid back life (aka laziness), and trying something new would involve me stepping outside of my comfort zone and into the dreaded unknown. Oooo.. I don’t know about that, what if I don’t like it but what if I do? I think it’s easier for us to say that we don’t like something when we’re in unfamiliar territory. We don’t mean anything by it, we just like to stay on familiar ground. What’s the point in trying something new when you already know what you like, right? Well because it turns us into rigid and uptight people. Things around us are constantly changing, so why shouldn’t we evolve with it? We’re not going to like everything we try, and that’s okay.  The fun is in the bravery to try. J

