Are you too busy saying yes?

Why is it so easy to say yes and so hard to say no? Are we afraid that the boogie man is going to come out and get us anytime we say no? I mean it’s easy for us to say yes to our families, friends, and jobs, but not to ourselves. I break into torrential sweats and get panicky anytime I fix my lips to say no. I’ve practiced saying no to myself in the mirror, I’ve read articles on saying no, and I’ve written no like a billion times, and I still find myself saying yes. I say yes so much that it’s possible that my brain has forgotten how to say no. I’m saying no in my mind but yes still comes out. I allow the fear of disappointment and the possibilities of confrontation keep me saying yes. The problem with this is, the more I say yes, the more I’m expected to say yes which equals more work for me and less work for somebody else. By the end of the day, I’m pooped. The only thing I’ve managed to do is elevate my blood pressure and increase my stress levels. So why do I keep saying yes, because I believe I can do it all. I think I can do a million things at one time, and I can’t. That to me is a hard pill to swallow, because I believe I can fly. J I’ve come to the realization that I am not superwoman and teaching myself to say no will do me some good, especially if I’m already saying no in my head. What I’ve figured out is, it’s okay to say no and nothing “bad” will happen. Lightning won’t strike you down and you won’t end up in a UFC fight. Saying no empowers you to take control of your life. It’s about finding balance and making more time for you. The more you say it the easier it becomes. So don’t be afraid to say no and mean it!
