“I’m on the non plan, plan…” - Polly, from Along Came Polly

I love the way life plays little jokes on us. Making us catch our breath at a moment’s notice. Allowing us to believe that we are in control of our own destinies and then, BAM!! Something unexpected happens and life throws a curve ball at us. Keeping us on our toes, and if we aren’t careful the roadblocks have the potential to cloud our judgment and impede our ability to problem solve. No matter how big or small, if we aren’t prepared for the unexpected it can really throw us off of our game.
I can testify to being thrown off of my game for quite some time now. I mean, I thought I had a plan for my life, but it seems like every time I turn around, I get hit with yet another curve ball. Lately, I’ve been questioning the purpose of having a plan when our life is pretty much out of our control anyway. It only chaps my khakis even more when I’m trying to go right and life takes me to the left. Maybe that isn’t the way I wanted to go. I had a plan for my life, well so I thought, but recently, I’ve been rewriting things to accommodate all of the changes. C’mon, can a sistah catch a break? It’s so easy to get discouraged, and make fist pumps in the air in outrage. It makes me want to drop to the floor and throw a temper tantrum, and scream how unfair life has been to me. I was the one, who didn’t cut corners and did things by the book, so why aren’t things going according to my plan? Why me? I must have messed up pretty bad in my former life. If I’ve learned anything in recent times, is that you’ll never be prepared for everything, and it’s never going to be the right time for anything to happen. Learning to breathe and find the humor in things will come in handy when you start to feel like it’s you against the world. Because we are going to get a couple of scrapes and bruises along the way, no matter how careful we think we are. The beauty in it is that we are capable of dusting ourselves off and getting back up. Hopefully all the bumps and bangs will give us a new outlook on life.  If we didn’t get bumped around a little, we’d be boring. So I’m learning to accept the things that I can’t control and be okay with being on the non plan, plan. J


  1. All I can say is WOW!! U have a follower for life. These posts are awesome. I found myself reflecting back, smiling, giggling, snifflin'. Keep doing what u do. Believer928


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