Getting Back up on the Horse

All I can say right now is WOW!! I haven't written anything on my blog in so long that I couldn't remember my login information.  Now that's just sad. I've been meaning to visit but something usually happens and I never get around to writing. I can make excuses all day long but really it boils down to believing in myself. It sounds so corny like an after school special but I struggled with this. The confidence in my ability to write was missing. I would compare myself to others and become discouraged because their words sounded so much better than mine.I would ask myself what do you have to say that's worth reading, and so I chose not to do anything. I can't be judged by me or anyone else if there is nothing written. I should just slap myself because I'm doing it again; I'm second guessing myself. I over think things which causes me to become overwhelmed. That only makes things feel like work and my mind and body shut down and I can't do anything but procrastinate. I don't know how I've made it this far. I keep saying I'm going to turn over a new leaf but my actions never match my words. Shocked?...This time around, I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to do and worry less about not being good enough. So... here goes dusting myself off and getting back up on the horse.
