Day Three: Forgiveness

I don’t know how I really feel about forgiveness. I’m reciting, “It is easy to forgive than it is to forget” in my head. I understand the concept but it’s not easy to do either. I mean if you forgive that person then wouldn’t you forget what happened? Or is that right?  If you can’t forget, does that really mean you’ve forgiven that person? I may have an awkward way of thinking about things. I say that I forgive but in the back of my mind I’m still replaying what I say I’ve forgiven. Is that bad? I mean I like to think that I’m a forgiver and capable of moving forward without too much animosity for the wrong that was done.
However, there are times when I get frustrated and all that baggage comes flooding in. I admit that I get angry all over again. I may let my emotions get the best of me. I may even say or do things based on the way I’m feeling. I know it’s wrong on so many levels, but at those moments I don’t care. I guess I should care, because someone has to forgive stuff that I’ve done. Wow, a teaching moment. I guess I’ve never thought about it like that, until this very moment. Every wrong I do to someone, that’s another thing they have to try and forgive and forget.

Wow, such a light bulb moment! 
