Day Two: Discipline

Discipline, doesn’t it just sound like something that’s not going to be pleasant. Dis-ci-pline. I just don’t like it. Too me it sounds like I’m going to have to do something I don’t wanna do. I have to vent about this because I’ve just challenged myself to thirty days of posts and my discipline is questionable.

In other words, I’m lacking a lot of discipline in my life right now. Some things are definitely out of whack and I’m struggling on the discipline thing. I know what needs to be done but I’m lacking the motivation to get back on track. So I end up frustrated and angry, mostly with myself (and some other people, I’m human), because I know what needs to change. But knowing what to do and doing what you know you need to do is another. 

Help!!!! I just want the results without doing the work; I know, I know, whaaa, whaaa, whaaa!!! No excuses, I just need to make a plan and get it done. I’m not hurting anyone but myself. I hate to sound so cliché, but I’m going to be like Nike, and Just Do It!!!!! J

P.S. I still don’t like it. L
