A work in progress...

If you know me, then you know I have a lot of good ideas, aspirations, talents, and goals; however, I lack the follow through; you know the discipline. I talk a good game, but backing it up, ugh... it's just so much work, lol. You have to actually, I don't know do something. And, I don't know about you, but I just want the results, ummm... the putting in the work to get it, well don't judge me, lol, I'm still working on that part.

I've learned that I'm an excellent starter. I'll commit to a project for awhile and then... (dramatic drum roll), I just stop, done, the end. For the longest time, the truth eluded me and then I realized that I was paralyzed by fear. I allowed my own fears to imprison me and cripple me from taking risks.

Well, it's 2017 almost 2018ish and it's time to get over it! I'm getting exactly what I'm putting into life, so why complain? We attract what we think about. Simply put, change your thoughts, change your reality.

So here's to the power of the mind and all of it's endless possibilities. ;)
