Day Eight: The Breakdown

Hello again, well... I can say that I was doing good until today. Today, "the breakdown" happened. Oh noooo!! I was doing soooo good and then I wasn't. The ugly, I can hardly speak cry took over me like a bad cough that I just couldn't shake. To make matters worse, I couldn't stop crying even though I looked myself in the mirror and said, "stop it!" But the more I kept telling myself to pull it together, the harder I cried. Was it hormones, the fact that my child is growing up and becoming more independent, or... the fact that I wanted to jump kick my son's teacher in the throat? Hmmm... I'll take option number three for five hundred points. I was mostly upset because my son's Kindergarten teacher said he was "exaggerating" about being bullied by another peer without having been present for the said incident. She exclaimed that there was no way possible that my child could have been telling the truth and then under the same breath stated that she needed to consult with another colleague as she was the one present at that time. I was infuriated to say the least because I know that my child is not overly dramatic, an exaggerator, or a liar. I know this is my first experience being a parent of a child in school and I know I'm going to be bias when it comes to my child, but when a parent comes to a teacher with an issue of bullying instead of accusing the person coming forward as a liar; investigate the situation, because you just might be saving a life!
