Day Eleven: Self Absorbed much??

Hello again, don't you hate it when you're trying to tell a story and the person that you're talking to has to tell you a time when they did whatever it is that you're talking about? It's like whose story is this, mine or yours? Well I hate to admit it, but I think I'm one of those people."Those people" are the story stealers, lol. Along this journey of acceptance I'll call it, I notice I talk a lot about myself or what "I" have going on. When did "I" become so self absorbed? Let me just prop my feet up on the couch now. But I know what I must do, just learn to be a better listener. It'll be a slight challenge, because I LOVE to talk, but anyway I digress. In this instant gratification world, it's easy to become enchanted by the allure of  the "what's in it for me mentality" and neglect the basic connections that make us human beings. We're all about these movements, marches, and protests for the equality of all of mankind, but the question remains are we too self absorbed to actually listen or care?

Until next time...
