Thirty Day Challenge Take 2....

What a better way to evoke discipline, then to embark upon a thirty day challenge, right? Looking back over my track record, ummm... I didn't make it pass day three in my last thirty day endeavor. What is even more depressing was this so called thirty day challenge was almost two years ago, that's right TWO YEARS AGO, so sad; I know. :( So much for sticking to my guns and becoming this world renowned writer, ha! ha! I have to laugh at myself because I really didn't think that much time had lapsed. I guess time really does go by in a blink of an eye. This time around no undue pressures or unobtainable expectations, trying to prevent writer paralysis. I don't know if that's the technical term but... you get the point. Okay, here goes nothing... 1..2...3... to dusting myself off and getting back up on the horse. 

Until next time...
