Girl, stop!


Hello, I just have to say that Rachel Hollis’s book, Girl, Stop Apologizing is my absolute favorite read. I’ve read this book twice now and each time I gain a new perspective on life. For the longest time I blamed myself for the things that didn’t go right in my relationships, I felt guilty for working long hours and feeding my son corn dogs, pizza, happy meals, and on occasion broccoli because let’s face it, it’s easier. In this book I learned to stop comparing my life to others, to stop apologizing for my shortcomings, and dream impossible dreams. Sounds kind of cliche, but life changes when you change your perception of it. I learned to stop apologizing and to stop hiding behind fear. Fear of regret, fear of not being good  enough, fear of success, fear of failure, and the ideology that I can do it all without anyone’s help. I cannot say that I have mastered it all, but I can tell you I’m learning to take off my cape. 
