“That’s just my baby daddy...”


Hello, I guess I need help understanding the acceptance of someone being reduced to the term “baby daddy.” It’s so common that I’m surprised that it’s not a term in Webster’s Dictionary. It’s like nails on a chalkboard when we refer to these guys as such and then expect them to be more. Why? As women, we gotta do a better job at mate selection so that we don’t have to set the bar so low for love and companionship. We fight each other, we degrade each other, and then expect to be respected. Every guy isn’t father material, and sometimes it’s okay not to test drive that car (wink, wink). Blasting him on Facebook, Instagram, Snap, and Tik Tok about his lackluster qualities as a man and as a father, is solving nothing because he has mostly likely shown characteristics of instability and irresponsibility before. Having children with a person with such qualities leads to resentment and frustration, I get it, but remember we are the game changers, and the men around us will change when we begin to demand more from them (i.e. respect, love, trust). We are more than sex objects capable of having babies, and they are more than a baby daddy, they can be the father of our children. I know this is like an after school special but we have the power and the right to say... pass. Why, because we want fathers not a man we can only refer to as a baby daddy. Geesh...!
