Why Did I Get Married?

Hello again, I'm sitting here pondering what motivates us to get married? Are we still marrying for love, because it seems as if we have moved into an era where we marry out of convenience. Marriage has evolved and can no longer be seen as a social institution between man and woman, but a special bond between two individuals that are tied together legally, economically, and emotionally (Fatima & Ajmal, 2012). In addition to the evolution of marriage, the commitment level and images of healthy, stable marriages have declined. Our ideology of marriage and our expectations of what marriage should and should not be have changed as well. We no longer go into marriage with the belief that we will stay married forever and instead we marry for other reasons such as legal, social, emotional, economic, spiritual, religious, or to simply procreate (Fatima & Ajmal, 2012). When we are unable to overcome and/or solve the problems that arise within our relationships our relational bond becomes threatened, and the lack of trust, mutual respect, communication, love, and understanding begin to chip away at the relationship and subsequently lead to divorce. If marrying for love is taboo and marrying for convenience is widely accepted, should the integrity of marriage change as well to reflect cultural norms? Without seeming dismissive of the importance of marriage, should the belief in marriage shift from "til death do us part" to a contract that can be renewed and renegotiated every six months to a year? 

Fatima, M., & Ajmal, M. A. (2012). Happy marriage: A qualitative study. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical        Psychology, 9(2), 37–42.
