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Hello, there is a decline in Black marriages and a rise in the rates of never-married black men and women (Awosan & Hardy, 2017). Awosan and Hardy (2017), investigated how never-married heterosexual Black men and women between the ages of 25 and 35 describe and interpret their efforts in cultivating and maintaining intimate romantic relationships (Awosan & Hardy, 2017). The findings reveal that Black men and women may postpone marriage because they seek to marry the right partner and cultivate a relationship that is enduring and immune from divorce (Awosan & Hardy, 2017). This contradicts the notion that Black men and women are apathetic towards marriage and voluntarily choose to remain single (Awosan & Hardy, 2017). The research makes me wonder are African Americans remaining single by choice.

Awosan, C. I., & Hardy, K. V. (2017). Coupling processes and experiences of never married        heterosexual black men and women: A phenomenological study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 43(3), 463–481.
