The Protective Factors of Family Routines


Hello, can developing family routines improve child adjustment? McLoyd, Toyokawa, and Kaplan (2008) claim that family routines promote a sense of family cohesion, stability, and order that aids in psychological well-being. The results indicate more routine environments are associated with fewer externalizing and internalizing problems in children of single-mother families (McLoyd et al., 2008). Therefore, it is important to remember family routines aid in promoting healthy child development and improve negative moods. When creating family routines, it is imperative to get each member to buy in to the routine as this increases the long-term success that the routine will be followed. Finally, routines although predictable can be flexible and fun.  

Mcloyd, V. C., Toyokawa, T., & Kaplan, R. (2008). Work demands, work-family conflict, and    child adjustment in african american families: The mediating role of family routines. Journal of Family Issues, 29(10), 1247-1267. doi:10.1177/0192513x08320189
