It’s a jungle out there, eat or be eaten!

It seems like everywhere we go; we have to watch our backs. We’re bombarded with so much propaganda that we’re constantly on high alert. Not everybody is who they say they are and background checks have become useless. Words like homeland security and safety are just that, words.

Someone wise once told me, don’t go outside if you don’t know how the world works. We place our lives in the hands of people with titles, certificates, degrees, and money because we believe “they” are the experts. I don’t know if you know it, but your best interest is not always their best interest.

Complacency has blinded us. Companies are downsizing, laying off, and firing people. Gas prices and food prices are steadily going up. Unemployment isn’t changing and most public places have become too dangerous to frequent. We have lost our urge for self knowledge and have instead shifted our focus to social media. We do things and we don’t even know why, most of us couldn’t explain why we put our money in the bank, but we do it anyway.

The world that we live in doesn’t play nice and the weak get picked off and eaten. Want to survive, learn to think for yourself!

Until next time...,
