It's so Hard to Say Goodbye...

Why is it so easy to say good bye to some and not to others? We’ve all had those deadbeat girlfriends and/or boyfriends that we couldn’t wait to get rid of. As soon as they left, we burnt/sold their stuff, threw a party, and vowed never to look back as we moved on to bigger and better things. Lucky for us, they magically dropped off the face of the earth and you never saw or heard from them again. Yes, a win, win for everybody! We’ve even quit our jobs without giving it a second thought. Where does this wave of determination come from? I don’t know where it comes from, but I would like to bottle it up, so whenever I needed it I could just go into my purse and pull it out. Saying goodbye to things and to people can suck especially when you know it’s in your best interest to let go. The significance we place on saying goodbye to things and people, makes saying goodbye a hard pill to swallow. Our emotional attachments make saying good bye the hardest.  So, we hold on even tighter it seems and put off saying goodbye out of fear. What are we afraid of? Who knows, it could be a lot of things. Be it security, love, the unknown, control, or whatever. We keep putting it off in hopes that it may get easier to break the ties, but I’m here to tell you; it only makes it harder. Cutting the cord and going commando so to speak, is frightening! I have learned through my own trials and tribulations that it is necessary in order to grow. 

Until next time...,
