Lord, Save Me from Stupidity...

 Learning to have patience is a real art. It is challenging not to blurt out weekend words (i.e. curse words) when someone comes to you with foolishness. I am working on my ability to maintain emotional control; however, stupidity chaps my khakis. I have my own faults, the first step is admittance, I get it. But, stupidity, well that is taking it to another level. At times, it seems as if it is an attack on one's intelligence, especially when it is used as a tactic to get out of doing something or taking responsibility for one's actions. We talk about being adults, but few of us are. I hear daily that communication could solve all of our problems, but very few us are effective communicators. It is the broken communication and the incongruent behaviors that keep us all frustrated and confused. Life is too short to play charades.... in other words, say what you mean and mean what you say.
