My Independence, I Know it is Around Here Somewhere...

 Why is it so easy to be independent when you’re single but difficult if not impossible to maintain while in a relationship? Where does the momentum go once you became an “us?” We end up like Dorothy, skipping down the yellow brick road in bliss and blinded by love. It’s hard to stay grounded when you’re hypnotized by love. It’s like stealing candy from a baby. We fall to pieces over smells, voices, and touch. When the love bug bites a plug in us, we willingly put our plans on hold for marriage, family, and kids. Our priorities manage to change and its birthday parties, clogged toilets, missing socks, the tooth fairy, and holidays with the in-laws. You somehow forget about yourself and another year passes and you still haven’t reenrolled in school, written that novel, or opened that restaurant. Whatever happened to the painter, or the person who dreamed of being a chef?

Until next time...
