Private Eye Detective

 Hello again, it's me and I'm back at it once again. Do my dance, do my dance, lol! Okay, so moving right along, are you a private eye detective? You know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about a voice mail cracker, email password guesser, mail opener, and "I'mma catch my partner cheating" social media page creator. Why do we do these things, I mean what are we expecting to find? Good news? Ummm... negative ghost rider, it never ends up good because the compulsion to snoop never ceases. If it comes down to having to play the lottery with password combinations to discover what lurks behind the curtain then what are we really holding on to? Potential? Potential for..., don't worry I'll wait... times up. The potential for misery. We settle. We overlook the red flags, we break up and then days later get back together only to break up again, we settle for broken promises and for what, only to raise another child, Why? If we say that we are the prize, then why are we doing all of the chasing?

Until next time...
