
Hello again! So..., vaccinations any thoughts? The current pandemic has altered the way in which we live probably now and forever. It has been a time of renewed faith in something greater than yourself and a time to prioritize what is and is not important. Over the past year we have been seemingly cut off from everything we considered normal and have been reduced to talking to people through a screen and wearing a mask daily to prevent infecting anyone we come in contact with. Since the release of the vaccinations there has been mixed reactions about taking it and/or not taking it. Those who receive the vaccination are considered heroic whereas those who choose not to get vaccinated perceived as neglectful. We are bombarded with research and statistics and made to feel fear, guilt, and shame for making a decision that goes against the status quo. Why, when life is all about choices. We preach equality and tolerance but persecute anyone that is "different". 

Until next time...
