What’s Your Secret?

What makes love so difficult? Honestly, I don’t know. I often wonder how those cute couples in the paper make it to fifty and sixty years, when a lot of us can’t even make it past a year. According to Apostolou (2021), almost half of the population is involuntarily single. Meaning that they want to be romantically involved with someone but are currently uninvolved. The researchers conceptualized singlehood through an evolutionary perspective and suggested that attracting a partner involves several mechanisms (i.e., flirting capacity, ability to perceive signals of interest, and mating effort) and these factors would predict if an individual would be involuntarily single (Apostolou, 2021). This article measured flirting capacity, understanding perceived cues of interest, mating effort, and choosiness as an explanation as to why we cannot get a date. If the other half of the population is romantically involved, what do they know that the rest of us don’t?

Until next time...,

Apostolou, M. (2021). Involuntary singlehood and its causes: The effects of flirting capacity, mating effort, choosiness, and capacity to perceive signals of interest. Personality and Individual Differences, 176. https://doi-org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1016/j.paid.2021.110782
